Friday, October 2, 2015

The post about pill organization and explaining Spanx and liposuction to the elderly...

  • Meanwhile, yesterday on Instagram...
  • It's #coffeetime and it's October! My favorite month of the year. This is my baby's birth month. I can't believe my big boy is going to be 8 in a week and a half! Where has the time gone? 
  • An extra special morning because my constipation from being on painkillers has finally worked itself out. I know tmi, but that's the unglamorous reality of plastic surgery. But my BM woes and painkiller days are behind me. Today is already looking up. 
  • Got myself a ride into Toronto later. Gotta get my dad to a medication review with Dr Pitt. Also gotta get him groceries and fill up his meds for the month. And ensure him that I am indeed alive and intact. 
  • Busy day 'cos I gotta work some computer time in there too. Got half a dozen reports I'm half started that need to be crossed off my to do list already. And work mileage. Three months worth. Have an awesome October 1st!

  • I am beat and my arms did not have a good day. Lots of leaking happened today. I spent the entire afternoon with my father. He had a doctor's appointment and some of his meds were increased. So I had to figure out everything for the next month. It was a lot of pill splitting and prescription renewals and having to explain to my father over and over why he's on 6 different medications. He doesn't understand. 
  • Our big laugh of the day was telling him that when I woke up from surgery, I only remember saying it once but the recovery room nurse said I kept saying over and over, "thank God I didn't die". For some reason that tickled his funny bone and he thought it was hysterical. Almost as funny as me trying to explain to him what liposuction and Spanx were. 
  • The day didn't pass without him telling me I need to eat more because he can tell I've lost weight. While we were walking to the car before going to see Dr Pitt he said, "Leigh Anne! What happened to your bum"? I think he meant saddlebags. Hence the trying to explain liposuction. Best news of the day? He gained 20 pounds since June. That made my heart very happy...

  • Boy Williams Fresh Cafe has some bad lighting. Check out those crows feet! Met my gal Tanya for a late night cappuccino. I ordered the small:-) My arms are a painful mess today. Lots of seepage (that sounds so gross) and I can really feel the incisions. Perhaps I've done too much today. Gonna really limit arm usage tomorrow. And keep them down to my sides. I really want them to drain already. I can see the pocket of fluid they're still holding onto. Good lord this is a gross post. Let's move onto nutrition. 
  • I was in such a hurry this morning I forgot to eat. I know, I know. How does one forget to eat. Well I did. And even though I was up at 6:30am, I didn't eat till 1pm. That's crazy. But I did get enough calories into me by day's end. Too much fat and not enough protein but my calories were on point. Just trying to keep it positive. Night night...