Thursday, July 30, 2015

The post about a day trip across the border...

  • It's #coffeetime and today you get my "go to" pose because that hair. An awesome shot of the fivehead and rat's nest! Baby is definitely back to her old self. She ate a ton and is gone strutting in the neighborhood. I'll call her in before we head to Darien Lake today. It's gonna be a hot one. The waterpark will be a welcome attraction. I should be able to post a couple times through the day because I have US roaming, but I won't be on-line. The fun part of any theme park day? Finding food that's appropriate for me to eat while paying a fortune for it. Lots of fun to be had I'm sure. Keep cool and happy hump day #getyourhumpon :-)

  • This is our day so far. Hit Denny's before Darien Lake for lunch. Had a chicken and avocado salad. As soon as we got to the park we went to the wave pool for some fun in the sun. That was short lived and the boy wants to go on rides now. So I need to dry off and hit some coasters. Staying hydrated and fed is hard work in extreme heat yo! 

  • Feeling fatigued. Walking, walking and more walking. Tiring when it's so hot out. The heat does a number on you. We've been on several coasters and other thrill rides. Coming to these places always reminds me of Busch Gardens. The summer of 2011 when I couldn't fit on a ride with Julien. The thought still crosses my mind when I'm just about to get on something and I have a moment of panic. Dinner was wings from the Anchor Bar. A Buffalo tradition. I feel dirty, sweaty and overall gross. Humidity is still thick even with the sun setting. The plan is to hang out at the park till (maybe) closing (10pm). Just so long as I'm in bed by midnight I'll be okay. Training with Tony is at 6am...