Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Before...and during photos!

First I want to give a shout out to my good friend and fellow running gal Beverly.  She has just started a new blog depicting her healthy life style changes.  Bev will also be co-instructing the For Women Only (Learn to Run Clinic) through the Running Room with me this coming July.  If you have a moment, mosey on over to A Pond's View and see what she has to say.  I look forward to following her journey.

I found some old photos of me and thought I would share a side by side, or in this case, a top to bottom.  My husband was looking at them today and couldn't believe I ever looked like that.  These photos are not that old, and I was wearing a plus size 24 in them.

Probably taken last summer at Canada's Wonderland...
less than a year ago!
That is a maternity top I'm wearing...
I'm not pregnant!
This is my most recent full body shot...taken on Mother's Day after my morning run.  I think this was an 82 pound difference.  I'm currently wearing a size 14/16 regular.

Be kind...I haven't showered yet!

The photo on the left, taken last summer in Port Stanton.  The Photo on the right taken last week by my computer.  Almost exactly a year between photos.  We were in Port Stanton for the Victoria Day long weekend last year which fell on May 21st this year.

So there you have it!.  I'm not done yet, but well on my way to being a normal, healthy weight.  I've said this before and I'll say it again, if I can do it...anyone can! Now for some motivation!